Αυτό είναι μέρος μηνύματος που πήρα από τον ενδιαφερόμενο επιχειρηματία για τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει η επιχείριση του στην Πάφο ο οποίος μου έδωσε έγκριση να δημοσιοποιήσω το περιεχόμενο του email [έχω αφαιρέσει ορισμένες αναφορές ...] .. Τι σας θυμίζουν όλα αυτά ;
"No1 The taxi drivers in Pafos are getting violent. Although we keep reporting to the police no one really seems to have the courage to hold some sort of meeting and sit and talk to them and tell them we are legal. We have tried ourselves but we keep getting attacked.
My son on two occasions got attacked and I have been threatened at least four times. This must stop. I am loosing riders and customers and unable to complete my trips because customers (tourists) are getting scared and running away.
Last Saturday evening I was doing a free promotional ride to a club and the taxi drivers stopped us and told me very strongly surrounding me 5 people to one that my bikes will be broken and I will be beaten up. What kind of attitude is this.
My son on two occasions got attacked and I have been threatened at least four times. This must stop. I am loosing riders and customers and unable to complete my trips because customers (tourists) are getting scared and running away.
Last Saturday evening I was doing a free promotional ride to a club and the taxi drivers stopped us and told me very strongly surrounding me 5 people to one that my bikes will be broken and I will be beaten up. What kind of attitude is this.
No2 XXXX in the Cyprus Mail last Saturday explicitly said that we are illegal. I know and he knows this is not the case. However it has added fuel to the fire for the taxi drivers as now they are convinced we are illegal and seem to think that they have the right to threaten and break our bikes. It requires the police or some Government official to announce publicly that we are legal so they can leave us alone.
I have tried lots of different approaches to this problem ..... I am sorry if you find this a little strong or sarcastic but this is the feeling at the moment in the country inside a country called Pafos.
I attached the last article of the Cyprus Mail for your perusal. This the last of 4 articles printed in the last 4 weeks. I have another 14 articles from the last four years and lots of downloads of blogs and forums. This is not a very good example of χχχχ behaviour, or a great advertisement to our tourists and foreigners living on the island. For such a small country we are very regulated but very little enforcement is carried out."
Τα ποδήλατα ταξί (Rickshaw στα αγγλικά) λειτουργούν στην Πάφο, νομίζω στον παραλιακό.
Ο ιδιοκτήτης έκανε αίτηση για άδεια μεταφοράς επιβατών, η οποία εγκρίθηκε (βοήθησα και εγώ αλλά δε νομίζω να είχε δυσκολία ...).
Ο ιδιοκτήτης μου ζήτησε επίσης βοήθεια για να κάνει εκπαίδευση οδηγών ποδηλάτου και συμπεριφορά στους δρόμους και του έχω στείλει τις πληροφορίες των ποδηλατικών οργανώσεων.
Έχει ενδιαφέρον για το πως θα εξελιχθεί η κατάσταση. Στις περιπτώσεις άλλων χωρών όπου απαγορεύεται η διέλευση μηχανοκινήτων οχημάτων π.χ. πεζόδρομους (όχι γενικά τροχοφόρων δηλαδή) τα ποδήλατα ταξί κάνουν καλές δουλειές.
Πολύ περίεργα πράγματα!Γιατί τέτοια αναφορά απο την Cyprus Mail?
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